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ALL IN ONE WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION (ALOWA) a nonprofit women's organization operating in Uganda has today 25th march 2022 commissioned a group of over 20 heads of grassroots women organizations to go and protect civic spaces in their communities. The function took place at Hotel Agenda 2000 in Kileka a Kampala suburb.

While speaking at the commissioning ceremony, the project coordinator Miss Ainaamani Catherine, requested the Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), to go and assist their communities in claiming civic spaces. She stressed that in Uganda, civic space is shrinking by world standards and ranking. She highlighted that Uganda has dropped from its 52 position, to 152 out of 180 countries according to the world press Freedom index (Reporters without borders), this needs some immediate intervention.

Alowa has been conducting many of such trainings to the grassroots women organizations across the country, with support from the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF). These trainings are aimed at building capacities for women and grassroots women groups to promote gender equality. The trainings are meant to strengthen the networks of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) to promote and protect civic space among other objectives. Alowa intends to mobilize and strengthen over 6,000 women leaders and grassroot women groups in 33 districts in Uganda.

Our Contact Person

Mr. Barnabas Tugumisirize
Executive Director
Rukiga Forum for Development
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Address

Rukiga Forum for Development (RUFODE)
Plot 10 Nyerere Road, Kabale Municipality
P.O Box 714, Kabale (Uganda)
Tel: +256-783-535-443 |+256-703-152-922
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Goals and Objectives

Rukiga Forum for Development shall work to attain the following goals & objectives.

1. To advocate for free and independent media that provides accurate information.
2. To strengthen the freedom of expression and safety of media professionals.
3. To advocate for the promotion and respect of human rights in Uganda.
4. To conduct civic education in Uganda.
5. To agitate for increased citizen participation in a democratic society in Uganda.