RUFODE organizes training workshops for journalists to help them improve on their journalism skills like how to develop stories, and taking charge of interviews and taking care of their physical and digital security.
Research and investigations. Rufode’s correspondents make investigations into news and current affairs to write and share stories for the media.
Writing stories. Rufode’s correspondents write stories, which are run on air, in newspapers, online platforms, magazines to tell our readers/listeners/viewers what is going on, to inform them, engage them, entertain them, shock them, amuse them, disturb them, and uplift them.
Conducting civic education. RUFODE conducts civic education on human rights, Freedoms of expression and tolerance, channeling of public opinions to the government, Mobilizing citizens to participate in political decisions, educating the voters and citizens on electoral system and general political values, using meetings and the media.
Advertising and visual publicity. RUFODE trains the youth to develop their talents in making adverts and through studio production.
Photographic documentation. Rufode works with youth photographers to keep photo documents for future use.
Music dance and drama. Rufode works with the youth to develop their talents in music dance and drama.
Use of social media. Rufode encourages the youth to use social media for communication and reporting human rights abuses.
Adoption of legal strategies. Rufode in collaboration with other civil society organizations, takes up to challenge the constitutionality of specific regulations which are against the freedoms of expression and independent media.