Our Background
  • Register

Rukiga Forum for Development (RUFODE) is a nonprofit community based organization based in Kabale town in Kigezi sub region, South Western Uganda. RUFODE is fully registered by the government of Uganda, as a company limited by guarantee.

Rukiga Forum for Development (RUFODE), Exists to support and empower women and the youth, to enjoy their human rights, participate in democratic governance, and live sustainable livelihoods.

RUFODE’s major focus areas include; Climate change, Human rights, Hunger and malnutrition, water and sanitation, women and youth rights, done through advocacy, and civic education to have sustainable livelihoods.


SLOGAN; “Your Community, is Our Priority”



A just, equitable and sustainable society where all individuals, particularly women and youth, enjoy their human rights, participate in democratic governance and thrive in a healthy environment.



To empower marginalized communities, especially women and youth, through advocacy, education and community driven initiatives, promoting human rights, democratic governance, climate resilience and sustainable livelihoods.



  1. Enhance climate resilience and environmental conservation in Uganda
  2. Strengthen democratic governance and human rights in Uganda.
  3. Enhance women’s economic empowerment initiatives in Uganda.
  4. Promote sustainable agriculture practices and support local farmers.
  5. Support entrepreneurship development for women and youth in Uganda.
  6. Conduct workshops on healthy eating, classes on cooking and nutrition in Uganda.
  7. Improve access to safe, affordable and sustainable water and sanitation services for women and youth in Uganda.

Our Programs

Citizen Journalism

Citizen journalism is based upon public citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information." For democracy in a complex society to work well, journalism is necessary.

Safety of Media Professionals

Promoting the safety of journalists and combating impunity for those who attack them are central elements within RUFODE’s activities. Training Journalists in physical and digital security will be one of the key programs of RUFODE.


The Independent Journalist Networks are necessary for the coordination of addressing challenges met by the media professionals. RUFODE will always support the activities of these networks to strengthen freedoms of expression and independent media.

Journalists Network

Advocating for freedom of expression and other basic human rights will remain a cornerstone of RUFODE’s mission. The Ugandan government continues to take drastic steps to crack down the rights of freedom of expression and independent media.

Our Contact Person

Mr. Barnabas Tugumisirize
Executive Director
Rukiga Forum for Development
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Address

Rukiga Forum for Development (RUFODE)
Plot 10 Nyerere Road, Kabale Municipality
P.O Box 714, Kabale (Uganda)
Tel: +256-783-535-443 |+256-703-152-922
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: http://www.rufodeuganda.org

Our Goals and Objectives

1. Enhance climate resilience and environmental conservation in Uganda.
2. Strengthen democratic governance and human rights in Uganda.
3. Enhance women’s economic empowerment initiatives in Uganda.
4. Promote sustainable agriculture practices and support local farmers.
5. Support entrepreneurship development for women and youth in Uganda.
6. Conduct workshops on healthy eating, classes on cooking and nutrition in Uganda..
7.Improve access to safe, affordable and sustainable water and sanitation services for women and youth in Uganda.